Register For FREE 90 Minute Computer Skills Classes At The State Libraries!

Find our class schedule below for the nearest library branch. No computer is needed to attend the advanced beginner class, but students should bring their own devices to the smartphone/tablet class.
Classes are completely FREE. Register below!

What Topics Are Covered?

Class #1

Beginner Computer Class Series

Learn the computer basics in a 4 class series designed to increase your computer confidence! Learn computer basics, internet usage, email and online safety.

Class #2

Intermediate Level Computer Skills

Take our single 90 minute intermediate computer class to learn more advanced computer skills like word processing, spreadsheets, advanced email usage and safety, but in a fun, low pressure environment!

Class #3

Smartphone & Tablet Basics

Want to learn how to use your smartphone or tablet more effectively? Join us for a single 90 minute training on smartphone basics. Students are encouraged to bring their own devices (iPhones, Android phones, and tablets are all welcome!)

Frequently Asked Questions