Building Digital Skills, Equity & Opportunity For The People Of Hawaii
Building Digital SkillsEquityOpportunity For The People Of Hawaii
Māpunawai exists to bridge the digital divide and build economic opportunities for Hawaii residents through programs that
1) Address digital equity (i.e. providing devices, skills development, and broadband internet access)
2) Provide training that teach people how to build and grow online business leveraging the internet for economic opportunities
Our Friends & Partners
Access To Digital Equity Leads To
Economic Resilience
Our goal is to build foundational computer skills, ensure everyone has access to devices and broadband internet in order to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the online world: remote work, online businesses, advancement in current careers, investing and more!
“We Don’t Work With Entrepreneurs, We Build Them!”
If you have a strong set of basic computer skills and the desire to build something that can improve the quality of you and your ohana’s lives, you have what it takes to start your own online business! The best business model for a first time entrepreneur is the Fulfilment By Amazon (FBA) model! No business experience or product ideas needed to start.